
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

It seems like many of the bloggers I follow are busy, busy, busy these days with end of school activities, travel, etc.  I'm busy with the business of getting my granddaughter born!  OK, well, I don't have much to do with that physically...but I have been trying to help my daughter out some as she's getting close...
I kept my grandson the other night and loved every minute with him but he wears me out!!! In a good way of course.
I have a couple of houseguests for the next few days so will probably not be able to get into my getaway room much to create.  But I'll get back to that in a few...
I ran into Archiver's yesterday as I had a 30% off coupon to burn and was oh-so-good and practiced major restraint and only purchased this small 6x6 paper pad by Echo Park called Dots and Stripes.  It is just so cute...bright and cheerful very happy!  I love that it is double sided...I've talked about that before. 
Anyway, here are a few shots of the pad...I hear people stirring in other parts of the house so need to go for now!

1 comment:

  1. nice paper, I need some 6"x6" paper since I have some 6"x6" photo albums that I want to use for scrapbooking and 12"x12" paper has large print that does not always look good when cut to 6"x6", no Archivers here that I can recall, you're such a good mother to your daughter


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