
Monday, June 27, 2011

All Work and Little Play...

....make Susan aka TenSGal a dull girl!  No creating this whole weekend.  I mostly cleaned!  After 2 weeks at my daughters the house needed it and it certainly didn't take care of itself while I was gone.  They can put a man on the moon but they can't come up with a self cleaning house???  And what is it with dust???  Why does there have to be dust?  And why can't it just stay outside where it belongs!

So, I cleaned...and straightened...and cleaned...and straightened.  And the house is looking a bit better but sadly for me it left no time to go in my craft room.

I did get to spend time with AG and NBG, that was great, of course!  AG is learning to blow bubbles and it is so cute watching him try. 

Hopefully this evening I'll get down to the business of creating.  Ideas are just swirling around in my head...waiting to get realized!

I also signed up for the Summer Card Camp 2011 with Jennifer McGuire (one of my absolute favorite designers and who I have been privileged to take a couple of classes with) and Kristina Werner who is just as awesome.  Class started today and I'm excited about the color palette and the cards that both ladies shared with us.  I'm looking forward to learning some new techniques and ideas!

And just for the heck of it I am throwing in this cute picture of AG I took in October of last year:

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Wonderful black & white portrait of your AG. I signed up for the online card camp & it should be fun.

  2. The picture is adorable! And getting to spend all of that time with the grands is so special!!!


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