
Monday, June 6, 2011

Another Interest of Mine...

I didn't make it back to my house today to pick up some scrapbooking things and projects to work on.  I went to a Teresa Collins class recently...yes, the great T.C. taught it herself and made a beautiful pink and black mini album that will be so fabulous for photos of NBG (New Baby Girl) that I'd love to get my hands back on so I can finish it up.
But after AG (Adorable Grandson) and I made a trip to Costco and the grocery store...well this was one worn out "Omie"! So, we skipped it for today...there is always tomorrow, right?
Another Interest of Mine is related to the computer.  I like to do touchy feely things...with real paper and glue but sometimes I also enjoy dabbling around on the computer and creating digital layouts.  I did this one a couple of years back of my children's grandmother (whom they ADORE!) and although I don't recall who did the element pieces for it (or even the fonts I used)...well, I thought I'd share it.  I hope I'm half as wonderful a grandmother as this lovely lady is.
I had this printed at Costco in an 8x8 format and then purchased an inexpensive frame at Hobby Lobby...this made a wonderful gift and my kids' grandmother loved it!
So...when you're away from your play can always find something else to keep you busy! 


  1. You have a NBG, and I'll soon have an AG. Who knew? =) (Later I'll probably have to ask you what these letters mean.)

  2. Beautiful digital pages, I always adored what you did (and think I've got one saved that you created for me :-)) I've dabbled but for as much stuff as I have, I probably will never get that much into it.


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