
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lucky ME!

I just found out I was a winner over at Keshet's OVER THE RAINBOW blog. Yay Me and Yay Keshet!  Looking forward to my surprises!  Thanks, Keshet!

I had all intentions of going to my craft room and play with my toys yesterday but was just too tired after having my grandson spend the night so didn't make it down there!  But I got a good night's rest and maybe I'll get something going later.

BUT...I'm most excited about heading to Archiver's to shop as of course I NEED more and my 30% off coupon is wearing a hole in my iPhone screen.  (OK, you just can't say "Burning a hole in my pocket" for a virtual coupon, you know?)

Have a great Father's Day...don't work too hard and make some time for some creativity! (or shopping!


  1. Hello Susan, I just got your message on my blog and headed right on over here. I have just read your entry for today. I will continue to browse after I finish this.
    Thank you for your kind words and thank you for becoming a follower! I don't have many but that is ok. I am just having some fun. Which is what we are all doing isn't it?
    Have a wonderful day and off I go to see what treasures you have to share.
    Trying to be Creative

  2. Oh and congratulations on winning that blog candy!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!