
Thursday, June 2, 2011

What's On Your Desk?

Christina at Creations With Christina (my bestest favoritest blogger) issued a challenge to all her blog readers to take a photo of their desks or work spaces.  No straightening or cleaning allowed!  So here is mine in it's very messy state.  Actually...this is pretty straightened up for me...and for me I do believe that my messiness is in direct proportion to how creative I am.  The messier I am...the more creative I feel. 
AND....a secret?  I rarely clean up after I finish something.  I just can't fathom doing it then after I finish a projct when I am at the top of my creative just takes the fun out for me! I always clean up BEFORE I start something new.  A bit quirky, I guess....but it works for me!

Happy Crafting, Ya'all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really bad! I clean as I go but I also use mine for work so if it's messy, it drives me on the weekends if I'm stamping, it's a mess ALL weekend.


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