
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Onwards: The Birth of a Baby....

And below are a couple of additional pages I did for my granddaughter's scrapbook.  The layouts are here but if some of you are squeamish about icky, gooey newborns you may want to skip this post.

As some of you know...I WAS THERE when she was born.

Now I had one child "naturally" (the mother of my AG and NBG) and I pushed for 4 1/2 hours and she still had to be delivered by forceps.  That was quite a few years ago!  My baby #2 was born by scheduled section so that was a whole different experience.  You know what they say about C-section babies, though?  They "are a cut above".  HAHA!  OK...I digress....

Anyway, so after this incredible day which included a wonderful win on the tennis court followed by a massive dehydration headache...I got to the hospital about 5pm.  I had gone to my daughter's house because at first it looked like I was going to take her to the hospital because my SIL was on a sales call and then stuck in traffic.  Thankfully he got to their house about 5 minutes after I did so he whisked her off to the hospital which was a good 40 minutes away...maybe more like 50 minutes...and I stayed at their house to try and get rid of my headache and to take care of AG.  I told them I'd be 15 minutes behind them but I put my head down on the couch and couldn't move.  I drank a lot of water and tried to rehydrate and then I ate a pickle (yes, pickles and pickle juice has lots of electrolytes in them) and finally started to feel better.

Like I said.... I made it to the hospital at about 5pm.

I thought I would have plenty of time and planned to take tons of pictures because I was going to be in the delivery room.  I've watched a lot of Baby Center and it usually takes a while to have a baby, doesn't it?

Well, when it was about 6:30 pm the doctor told Amanda to give a little push...well, that head just popped out...and another push and NBG was HERE!  I didn't even have time to focus my camera!!! It all happened so fast.  I wanted to say "PUT HER BACK...I'M NOT READY!!!"

So the pictures are a bit blurry...but let's face get what you can't recreate the scene now, can you???

And it was the most magical 22 and 1/2 seconds I ever experienced!!!

These were the first photos ever taken of NBG (Taylor Aemelia).  The doctor is the same one who delivered my grandson...she was wonderful, calming and funny....

The layouts were completed with Bazzil paper, Making Memories printed paper, some chipboard stickers from K & Company, ribbon from Michael's. I did the journaling on my computer but decided against a fancy font...using Arial Narrow because it was simple.  I wanted this layout to be simple and basically unadorned...I think the pictures are powerful enough....even if they are blurry....


  1. I love your story- and the layouts are clean and simple, which is great- it doesn't take away from the picture. :)Amy

  2. These are such special pictures and you did a great job with the LO! Thanks for following my blog, I'm now following you too! :)

  3. Oh, cute! You're making her a paper album like you did for him. (I'd use your abbreviations, but you know I can never remember them. =)) This will be a treasure beyond belief for her when she's older.

    Camera advice: You wouldn't have wasted time trying to focus if you do what I do with my fancy camera--leave it on Auto (much to Niki's horror).


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!