Saturday, July 2, 2011

Too MUCH STUFF...but I love it!

Yesterday I FORCED myself...yes, it did take a lot of discipline, to clean up my mess in my "studio". (I always chuckle to myself when I use that word...I don't know why...we are all artists of a sort...why do we call it a "craft room"?...but that's a subject for discussion another day). Anyway, I forced myself to put aside any ideas of creating I might have swirling around in my mind...I dragged my vacuum down the stairs...I got my paper towels and Windex, duster, etc...and got to work.  I have stuff set aside for a consignment sale that I participate in twice a year and moved it out of my space.  Some reorganization was done...why is it we paper crafters generally love organization so much?

Now I will tell you....I have a big room for my crafting, but it isn't one of those Ikea-Showcase-Pretty-Colors-On-the-Wall-All-White-Cabinets-Afraid-to-Use-It kind of space.  I am a very practical and functional type person...I try in a way to make use of the stuff I have so I have a None-Showcase-Mixed-Up-"Decor" sort of gal.  But I'm fine with that....  I can usually find things pretty easily (I am a great one for the labeler!) when my room is cleaned up.  I moved some of my wire racks and carts around too give me more space for my mounting paper collection.  So now I have a clean room and that makes me not want to play in it! I'm too afraid of messing it up! LOL!!!  I wish I could clean up as I go or clean up as I finish....but I just do most creativity with a huge mess around me!  (You should see me when I cook!)

So without further is a picture of my work area (this is probably the only glimpse you'll'll never see it this straightened up again!):
My shelves on the left look messy but really they are neat and I have my bling, rubons, some stamps, some tools, paper, etc there at my fingertips.  I had my wire racks against the wall and was thinking about selling them...but what I did was pull them out...tie them together (I have two) and put my loose cardstock and printed papers by color in them.  They are jutting out from my cutting/scoring table so I can easily get to the papers.
On the other side of the room I have MORE STUFF!  I have my Cricut area, my sewing machine, my Cuttlebug and an extra trimmer.  I'm using an old microwave cart for my Cuttlebug area (see? I make do with what I have!):
My Cuttlebug dies, embossing folders, and Nestabilitlies are in the white JetMax cube on the little nightstand (which used to be mine when I was a child...see? using the old!).  My E2 is up on the table and my old Expression is under the table. I'm still considering selling that and buying a Silhouette in a few months...we'll see about that!). You can't see my cartridge storage but it's up on a shelf.
I also moved my paper scraps to another box I had (which I used to keep my clear stamps in before until I grew out of that box!)....this box is better than the one I had because it will keep 12 inch scraps in it. I keep my scraps near my Cricut because there are so many times you just need something small (like a scrap of brown to cut eyes out) so keeping it there is quite handy for me.
Here is a look inside the box:

I have the scraps sorted by color which helps me locate the scrap I need quickly.
I have one of the Clip it Up Ribbon Organizers where I keep a good bit of my ribbon and trims...I do have more stashed here and there but this is my go to ribbon:

Simply Renee Clip It Up Ribbon Organizer, 18-Inch

Good price at Amazon for that right now....I should get another one! :)  

And lastly...remember when I was looking for my pencils the other day to use with the Gamsol?  Well, guess what I found right on my work table yesterday???
So now I have put them in my drawer labeled pens/pencils so the next time I'm looking for them...remind me, ok???  Now...where did I put that Gamsol???

Happy Crafting and Happy Independence Day Weekend!


  1. Thanks for sharing... I thought I was the only one with piles and clutter. I have found as I age, I can't remember where I put things. However; I generally find it in the last place I look. :=)

  2. I'm just going to come craft in your area!!! WOWZER, and I always think I have a lot. Love showing these pics to my hubby so he can see how little I really have.

  3. HOly Moly! You "stash" puts mine to shame. I thought I had a lot of stuff, but .....well, Holy Moly!!!!! Looks really good though!!!

  4. Wow! This is an impressive crafting space! Even when 'neat', my space becomes a disaster in minutes.

  5. I love to look at your organized stuff, Susan. It's an amazing collection, and unlike most scrappers/crafters, you seem to use your stuff.

    By the way, is the Undo (Undu?) in the last photo a recent purchase? I haven't been able to find any lately.


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