
Sunday, August 7, 2011

And More Scrapbooking!

Here are another couple of layouts I made.  Flowers are maybe not traditionally used in boy layouts but I like the way this one turned out...these photos were taken on a walk that we did at a park here frequently.  In the large photo AG is doing his helicopter/airplane move...we don't know why but he wanted to be held this way! LOL!.
And on the bottom right of the first layout you can see my other little baby, Isabella, in the bottom of the stroller.  She liked the ride!

And I did this layout of David when he was about 7 months of age...I do not recall the line of papers and embellishments I used...but I LOVED them.  I bought all of the items at Archiver's.

Well, I survived the night with AG.  He slept in my big bed with me and moved and twisted and talked in his sleep all night! LOL! He got a good night's sleep but I sure didn't!!!  His mommy just came to get him so now I can take take a nap!  It's so much fun having him here...but so much work!  I think I know why the young have babies...they have the energy!

Happy Crafting!


  1. I'm happy to see someone is back to scrapping. On second thought I see these are old LOs. Well, at least you're thinking about LOs. What a fast year for AG.

  2. Fun layouts! Thanks for sharing- I know what you mean about having kids young- I don't think I could handle an infant 24/7 anymore, I'd be worn out. :)Amy

  3. Fun layouts with great colors & photos. Totally agree with Amy I would not be able to handle an infant or child anymore 24/7.

  4. You have matched the colors to the photo so perfectly Susan
    Cheers from Bangalore ,India
    Dr Sonia S V

  5. Love these layouts!
    Really like his airplane pose!
    The flowers fit in just great!


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