
Saturday, August 27, 2011

No Paper Crafting...but...

...I did spend the day with my new camera.  I'm about halfway through the manual but got overloaded and had to take a break.  So far so good.  I did learn from my friend, Janet, who takes awesome photos that the Canon SX230 received the Gold Award as the top camera in its category (compact cameras) from dpreview.

Here are a few photos I took...untouched...
This is Isabella...trying to act like she's not interested in what I'm doing.  This photo was taken about10 feet away and zoomed in partially.  No flash...just natural lighting in my living room.
 Another shot of she is wondering what I'm pointing in her face.
 This was taken outside on automatic.  It's a little overexposed but was also taken during the middle of the day with the sun really high.
 This is a closeup of my can see dirt particles on it so I think that's pretty good! LOL!
The camera does have some features like "smile detection" where it won't trip the shutter until it detects a smile.  Not exactly sure how that works yet.  My hubby and I tried it and it did take some shots of him when he was smiling but I promised him I would not post them here! LOL! 
Another feature it has is night time shots when you don't use a tripod.  It takes a succession of 3 shots and then merges them to get the best possible photo.  Don't ask me how it knows what the best possible photo is but this one was taken in that mode and I thought was sort of nice... flash was used and I just held the camera in my hand.
Today is going to be one of those great days...I'm meeting up with 2 girly friends at Archiver's where we are taking a little card class.  We'll do a little shopping, a little cropping, and a little lunching...and then I'm going to my daughter's and will babysit AG and NBG tonight.  This will be the first time I have both of them by myself (well, that's not exactly true...I have stayed at the house while my daughter ran to the grocery store but this will be for the evening).  I thought it was time I did that...and I think it will be good for my daughter and son in law to have a few minutes to themselves. 

Maybe I'll get just a few more pictures! :)

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Yeah Susan that is what I like about the Canon my cousin has one and its awesome for indoor photography the area where most of us have trouble.

  2. Isabella is a cutie. Teddy says woof! I want to see the photos of your hubby. Have fun with friends at Archivers & lunch and watching your grandchildren.

  3. Cute Isabella! You are taking great photos with your cool new camera! Have a great day! :)Amy


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