
Friday, September 9, 2011

Another Favorite Mini Album

Why do we scrapbook?  Well, for me it is for several reasons:
1. I love the smell of paper.
2. I love the feel of paper.
3. I love paper.
4. I really love paper.
5. I really, really love pretty paper.

And so I've said before I love the whole process that goes with paper crafting, especially scrapbooking.  I love taking photographs, getting them developed, feeling them in my hands (I am a paper touchy feely person!), choosing papers to go with the photos, and making a piece of "art" with my supplies.

I also love that when an event is scrapbooked that I have a record of an event.  So many times we will say..."Remember that time we fill in the blank.  When was that?" And we can pull out one of the many volumes of scrapbooks I have to find the date, the place, the whys, the hows, etc!  Since my memory seems to be decreasing (according to my family) it is also a great memory spark for me!  I can just visualize myself in the nursing home surrounded by my scrapbooks...working with the speech therapist on memory loss or cognitive functioning.  You laugh...but I did that for many years as a speech therapist.  Wanna get an old, memory impaired person to share?  Bring out the old pictures and they will start...I almost guarantee it!

Anyway here is another mini album I did a while back and this morning when I pulled it out to look at I just smiled at all the memories.  I have a group of local friends who scrapbook together on occasion (not as much as we'd like, of course!) and we call ourselves the Sharecroppers because 1. we crop and 2. we share!  It's so funny...when we are scrapping someone will say "Does anyone have a fill in the blank?" and at least 6 pairs of hands will rifle through supplies to find just that item.

Each year we get together for a party over the Christmas season.  We eat, play games and generally laugh a lot! 
One year I did this little mini album of our party and here are the photos of it.

The's one of those BoBunny chipboard albums covered with paper and embellishments.

These are great little albums if you haven't used them yet!

The inside cover has a little pocket page.  These little tags were done as part of a game we played.
And here's the whole group:
And a few more pages...some are fold out pages:

Here I am with my friend, Holly...I am wearing glasses here.  I have old eyes that need glasses for reading.  Now I wear contacts because in addition to old eyes I have the memory thing...remember?  And I was always hunting for my glasses (which were usually on top of my head!).
This is a little divider strip...the real touchy feely thing does not adhere to my friend, Debbie's face!
(And actually there is another little photo of my friend, Christine on the left!)
More photos of fun times.....

 and here are Holly and Cyndi (below) having a good laugh about who knows what?!
Playing the great Box GAME!
Uh...and a couple of me....

And another group shot:
And...the back cover:
These albums are just such fun to do...and for the majority are probably pretty quick to make.  Not for me of course, the world's slowest scrapper!

But...this turned out really cute and I loved looking at the photos of our annual event!  Wow...before you know it we will be gathering again!!!


  1. Definitely a treasure of memories of fun times. Especially like the Santa hats. I've been in a scrapbooking mood lately.

  2. Hi Susan,
    Wonderful memory keeper. Love the hats, you all look like you're having a fantastic time. TFS


  3. What a great little mini album! You are right- nothing like recording your story and reliving fun memories! BTW- I have never met a scrapbooker who wasn't totally addicted to paper :)Amy

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. (Try #2) But Susan, how do you really feel about paper? This mini-album is another winner!

  6. WOW!! sure looks like you all are having a fabulous time and what a great mini to treasure all those wonderful memories!! TFS and have a great weekend!! I'm now a new follower and can't wait to see what you create next, love your blog design very CUTE!!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!