
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

We have had a very busy week celebrating David's 2nd birthday.  What fun it's been.  He certainly has the idea that "pweshents" are fun to open and may have something good inside for him!

I've taken a ton of photos of him this week but sadly it seems that no matter where I am I am always behind him!

I thought I'd share some of the pictures of his little family party that was held for him yesterday.
First of all here is a photos of some of the gifts for the little guy!...or "pweshents". ;)

Then we have a few photos of him opening a pweshent.  He's learned that tearing paper is fun and yields great results!

 And here David is looking at the gift and, this is pretty cool. It's a Lightning McQueen that talks!
And another Mater!
Next, he's getting into a very big gift from his Grandpa....and he's seeing it's THOMAS the TRAIN! ...complete with 'twain twacks, Omie'!
Yep...looking pretty good here, Omie!  I think I'm gonna like this a lot!

Now...being the great Omie I am...I know that I can slip in clothes and other non toy things as long as there are toys to follow!  So here he is politely looking at the pillow which will be for his big boy bed.
And then he politely acts like he likes it...but only for a few seconds by "being sweet" to it:
Same thing with the matching comforter....he acted remotely interested...but only very remotely! LOL!
It's a good thing I remembered to follow up with a good old fashioned Cottadoo (helicopter for those of you who don't speak "David").

And here he is with his Cottadoo and ambulance from his Auntie Cyndi.  These photos were taken 3 hours later when we finally were able to extract the toys from the boxes! What is up with that packaging????
OK, I exaggerated on the time to get the stuff out of the packaging but not by much!!!
Here he is playing but his eyes are so droopy...such a tired little boy but so many toys yet to play with!  Not time for a  night-night, Omie!
Then we went to eat cake! Yay!  Amanda had the cutest Thomas the Train cake made for him.
This is when we were singing to him.  He finds our singing of Happy Birthday very offensive.

Finally, he thinks...the singing is over! Bring on the cake!

And now I get to blow out the candles.  Yep...I can do it!
And then he decided to take a bite out of the cake...see?
And here is more evidence:

My, my this cake tastes great!

Here David is with his parents:
And here he is with his family including his favorite person...Omie.  Omie is the shortie in the photo standing just behind David.
And after cake it was back to trains, trains, and more trains.  Here he is with his grandpa who is helping put the tracks together.
And lastly...NBG (Taylor) slept through most of the party but did get up near the she is in her cute tutu party dress!  She's taking it all in thinking...yeah, I think I'm going to like "pweshents" too!

Yes, busy, busy, busy...but we sure have had a fun week.  Hope you all are making up for my lack of creativity by making all kinds of pretty things!

I'm off to look right now....

Happy Crafting!


  1. Susan such lovely and precious photos-- super creative cake idea too!


  2. I like David's bday photos. Glad you remembered to get a photo with you in it also. Taylor is looking adorable as usual.

  3. What great photo's you are taking with your new camera! He is such a cutie- and so is Taylor! Thanks for sharing :)Amy

  4. Happy Belated Birthday, looks like he had a good time and Omie spoiled him rotten.

  5. ALL of you are blessed to be in this loving family!


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