
Friday, September 2, 2011

I Follow, You Follow, We all Follow!

OK, when someone first told me about Pinterest I put up the same mental block I had when some of my friends tried to get my on Facebook a few years back.  Not gonna do it...don't have's a time's a time's just's silly, etc. etc. etc.  Of course, now I'm on Facebook and have had a good time with that...especially reconnecting with friends with whom I'd lost contact.

But Pinterest did not really make any sense to me. interest was piqued and I created an account and became HOOKED!  If you aren't using it you might be interested...there are tons of paper crafters there posting all kinds of wonderful ideas!

What is Pinterest?  Well, it is basically a virtual bulletin board.  You can find images on the web and pin them to your boards and have them handy for later perusal.  You can create any category (or categories) for yourself you'd like...I have one set up for recipes and good things to eat, travel, baby ideas, things to make, things that make me laugh, etc.  And basically it becomes a wonderful organizational tool.  You know how you find things all over the 'net...but then when you remember to look them back up YOU CAN'T REMEMBER WHERE THEY ARE OR WERE???!  Yep...that happens to me often!  But here...once you pin something to your board you can go back, click on it and it takes you to the original web or blog site!  It's just a wonderful virtual organizational tool for ideas!

Well....let me tell you how this has been great with my scrapbooking and card making!  I have 3 bulletin boards set up. One for inspiring paper crafts, one for inspiring scrapbook layouts, and one for sketches.  If I see a great looking layout or sketch I can "pin" them to my boards and go back and look at them or use them later.

Here's a screenshot of some of my boards:

And another great thing is can "follow" other, if someone finds some great idea or recipe you can repin it to you own boards.

Did I tell you about the wonderful recipe I found on Pinterest that I've already made twice with Rolos, pretzels and pecans?  A big hit...and I wouldn't have known about them without Pinterest.

And my daughter wanted to repurpose a chandelier for NBG's room and found all kinds of ideas on Pinterest and then pinned her creation to her boards and I repinned it to mine.  Here it is:

Pretty wonderful, huh?

So...if you need motivation, ideas, recipes, diy tips, style ideas, etc. etc. etc. you might be interested in Pinterest.  If you want to check out my board first hand you can click on the "Follow Me on Pinterest" button on the top right of the blog here.  That will only take you to my boards...I think you have to either request and invitation to join or be invited by a current member.

If you already are on Pinterest let me know...I'd love to follow you. 


  1. Aren't you a techie! I will have to check out "pinterest"- I'm not currently on and although I have a "facebook" I am a novice at it and only had one so I could chat with the kids at college....Oh, great repurposed chandelier :)Amy

  2. Ha! You'll remember I didn't get Pinterest at first either, but now I love, love, love it. I'm going to borrow your idea and mention it on my blog. Thanks!


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