
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Grr....ick....ugh....but cute scarf!

OK, my husband is one here to take a photo of with the new scarf I made last night so I set up my tripod and took this picture.  I don't know about you but most of the people I know hate photos of themselves.  Why is that?  I certainly think I look different in the mirror than when I see a photograph of myself.  LOL!  and most of the time I look at a photo of myself and think...hmmmm....who IS THAT OLD WOMAN?!

But I did set up my tripod as I said and snapped this outside this morning.  Atlanta is beautiful this time of year.  The leaves are changing and we all have kinds of brilliant colors with our foliage.  That is one of the things that appealed to me about moving to Atlanta many years ago...we do have changes of seasons...but the winters are usually fairly moderate.  I just can't do cold.  My blood is just too darned thin and I'm miserable when I'm cold.  it does get cold here but doesn't last too long and our spring is beautiful here.  Of course, we do have heat and humidity but I love the heat! Of course, I love the air conditioning we have, too!

Without further is the photo but please don't look to closely at the face...look instead at the cute little ruffled scarf I made last night.

I love these things!  I made one for my daughter and she loved it...I hope to make a few more and stocked up on some yarn yesterday at Michael's.  Their own brand Loops and Threads is on sale right now.  This is a very simple pattern...just double crochets for the most part but it sure is cute how it ruffles up! 

So guess what you all are getting for Christmas???!! :)

Happy Crafting!


  1. That is so cute! And you did a good job with the tripod- and you don't look old- nobody likes pictures of themselves (especially me) haha- Thanks for sharing the fun scarf! :)Amy

  2. Ha I love the way you say that you dont like photos of yourself--I feel the same way too and I really gnash my teeth when I have to share a photo for a guest Dt post or interview!

  3. Like the scarf & you did a wonderful job with the tripod self-portrait. How many chains did you do for length for you?

  4. your scarf is gorgeous and I'm not big on photos of myself either, but you did a great job with your self-portrait!

  5. love it...I've made a couple of those and always get compliments when I wear it.

  6. What a cute scarf, Susan! Your photo is great, and your neck looks marvelous, even though you're not upside down. =)


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