
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Scary? Or Too Cute to Spook?

I scrapbooked yesterday!  Woohooo!!!  And I loved every single second of it.  Hours and hours of fun.  What do I have to show for my time in my room?  Two very simple 12x12 layouts.  LOL! Yep, it took me forever to do these pages.  I tried a whole bunch of things that I didn't end up using but like I've said's the process that is fun and therapeutic for me...not the result.

My daughter took these photos of David with her iPhone.  She had ordered his Halloween costume for him and it had arrived so she tried it on him to see how it fit.  He did not like it and was just plain crabby about the whole thing.  I just LOVE the expression on his face.  He's just so totally annoyed that she made him put the costume on AND then made him stand still to snap his pictures.  It reminds me of the scene from one of my FAVORITE Christmas movies, A Christmas Story where Ralphie is made to wear the ridiculous pink bunny costume! 
Anyway here is the first page of the 2 page layout:
I just love his face! :)

But then...some magic happened!  David saw himself in the mirror and decided he looked pretty cool afterall! 

Love it!

I used Fancy Pants papers, some basic ribbon and cardstock I had around. The bat was cut from the Simply Charmed Simply Charmed and the SCARY title from Happy Happy Hauntings Cricut Cartridges.  I put a couple of little wiggly eyes on the bat.

I often use larger prints on my scrapbook pages like on these pages where I used 8x10 photos....I just like bold looking photos and I think sometimes 4x6 photos can get lost on a page.  And Costco has such good prices on enlargements...

HAHA! When I look back at these layouts I think WHAT ON EARTH TOOK HOURS TO DO HERE???  HAHA....well, you don't see all the mistakes and things I tried that I didn't love (like punched edges, different ribbons, etc.) in my trash can! 

Well, I was hoping my use of Simply Charmed would count on my personal Cricut Challenge to use all my cartridges but DANG...I've already used it! :)

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. Susan the photos are so cute-- and I think they look just right in your layout-- as such gorgeous photos shouldnt be overwhelmed by too many elements

  2. Cute. Like the one of him looking in the mirror.

  3. Oh! The photos are so cute and the layouts are perfect!!!!

  4. these are great both layouts and it always takes me days to do pages. Love that 2nd layout of him, such a great picture!

  5. Sometimes it does take hours- and these are great layouts- I LOVE that mirror picture- you can see front and back of costume (not to mention his expression at seeing himself) :)Amy


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