
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fun Day Today!!!

Today is my annual Sharecroppers party.  I think this is the 4th year we are doing this!  A group of us tries to scrapbook together for a long weekend once or twice a year.  We all share the love of papercrafting and we love to SHARE our cropping supplies with others.  Hence our little "Sharecroppers" name.   I know I've mentioned that in a post here before.  Anyway, there will be 18 of us this year...we do a "Dirty Santa" game where we each bring a gift of something we have in our stash that we just had to have and have never used OR something we bought double of.  Oh yes, we do that a good bit.  One year I had a huge punch...yep, I had two of those so gave one in my "Dirty Santa" gift!  I'm not the only one who buys double... Does that mean I have too much stuff??? Probably...

We also bring individual little stocking stuffers for everyone.  Some make things...some buy little's always fun to see what people come up with.  I made my little giftie this year.  It was simple but turned out cute and is a useable gift.  I'm not going to put a picture of it up yet in case someone from the group peeks in here...but here they are wrapped up!
All individually wrapped and ready to go!
We all bring snacks and foods to share.  I made these wonderful turtle type things...with Rolos, pretzels and pecans.  Thank you Pinterest for the idea!
I'm making my world famous corn dip which I have yet to make...  We Sharecroppers love to eat! to get ready!  Fun, fun, fun!


  1. Oh, I wish I lived closer to be part of your Sharecroppers group. I know what you made for the giftie and will keep the secret. Have fun.

  2. Hope you have a wonderful time- looks like it will be really fun!!! :)Amy

  3. I wish I were a Sharecropper! I love food! =) (Scissors and glue, not so much.)


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