Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cricut Challenge 27: Kate's ABC's, Calendar Book Part 2 and WHO DID IT?

OK....first of all...who is responsible?  I had the mother of all head colds this week and I want to know who is responsible for giving it to me???
Actually I know exactly who the responsible parties they are...let's call this Exhibit A:
Yes, both kids have been sick with upper respiratory stuff.  I had been bragging about how I had not had a cold in yadda, yadda, yadda years even though I had been around the kids a bunch...but my mouth must have been open during the bragging because one or both surely must have coughed or sneezed in my mouth...and yep...the New Year rolled in for me with a massive head cold.  
So I've been under the weather so to speak this week...couldn't hear, couldn't talk in a way others could understand me, couldn't taste...and couldn't breathe!  
But I found a wonder drug so if you get to where you cannot breathe I highly recommend this:
 I hate nasal spray...there is something about sticking something up your nose and spraying stuff in it....just very unappealing to me but this stuff is a wonder drug.  I sprayed that stuff and within 3-5 minutes I could breathe!  It was just amazing.  I was demonstrating to my husband how I could breathe.  It was like I had finally learned a new SKILL! HAHA!
So, this hasn't been the most creative's been a mostly nose in a kleenex kind of week....but I will survive.

I did finally get the cover of my calendar book done and TA DAHHHHH.....drum roll, please....I used Kate's ABCs cartridge for the first time (so this counts towards my personal goal of using all my Cricut cartridges...wooohooo!)  to cut the year numbers out of Tim Holtz Grungeboard.  I used the deep blade housing and did 2 cuts....probably needed a little more depth or a 3rd cut but it cut out pretty well.  

I painted the Grungeboard numbers with a Pearl Paint Dabber...I used a Hero Arts background stamp for the left side of the  book...also inked with the Pearl paint.  Added a little ribbon and that was it.  I really didn't want a  bunch of stuff on the cover as this book will be used daily during the year and I didn't want a lot of embellishments that would be knocked off easily.
So I'm happy with it...and I will say I've written on each page and have a picture for the first week in mind that I will get printed and adhere...I think I'm liking my new little calendar and journaling book.

Happy Crafting!


  1. Like the cover of your album. Glad you're feeling better. My hubby would say that if I had a cold & could not speak that that was a good thing. Heehee.

  2. Susan so amusing to see you featured a nasal spray.. these are stuff we as ENT Surgeons prescribe often but a word of caution-- not recommended for use beyond a week and take care if you have hypertension .
    Take care

  3. Great calendar page but sorry to hear about the horrible head cold-never fun!

  4. Sorry to hear about the cold! I hope that you are starting to feel better really soon---your post did make me laugh when you featured the culprits...cute cover for the calendar book! Take care! :)Amy


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