
Monday, January 9, 2012

Cricut Challenge 27: Wrap It Up/ Our Budding Artist and Sculptor

David goes to a Mother's Morning Out program twice a week.  Good for him to go and be with some other children and good for his mother to get a breather.  He wasn't too sure about it the first week and we had lots of tears but now he goes happily and seems to enjoy himself.
Just before the break for the holidays the class had a Christmas party.  One of the activities was for each child to decorate a sugar cookie.  They were given the sugar cookie complete with icing and sprinkles and then were handed some gumdrops to "decorate" their cookie with.
All of the other children just plopped the gumdrops on the cookies except for the few who ate them...David took his job very seriously and very,  very carefully placed the gumdrops on his cookie and then looked up at me and declared, "Castle!".  He had sculpted his very first castle!  After he was finished he looked at his work and proceeded to remove the gumdrops and then ate his cookie!  Such a smart and creative little two year old. :)

So, I created this one page 12x12 layout to commemorate this event.  Here it is before I finished it up on my brand new Scrap 'n Easel that I received as a Christmas Gift from my daughter.  Did I say I love it?  It's so wonderful to see your layout at an angle that does not cause neck strain! Here the castle and circle are not adhered but are being held down by the super strong magnets.  I love this thing!

I used this page from the February, 2012 Scrapbooks, Etc. as inspiration...what caught my eye were the pictures...all done at about wallet size.  I just liked the way they were clustered together and I liked the white edges to them. Ooops...I confess...I tear up my magazines.  Yep, it's I read them (and I usually just go through them once, now)...I tear out the ideas and pages I like and then I throw the magazine away.  If I use a page as inspiration once I done with it out in the trash it goes!  I love my system but I am reckless when I rip magazine pages....!

I used October Afternoon Sidewalks papers and baker's twine (LOVE THIS reminds me of the Sally, Dick and Jane primers I learned to read from). Stickers were from the Lunchbox line (also October Afternoon).  I cut the circle out with my EK Success Circle Scissor (haven't used that must have tool in years! LOL!), and the castle at 4" from the Wrap it Up Cricut Cartridge.  I inked edges with the new We R Memory Makers Sweetheart Inkers (brown).  I also used the new Creative Memories border punch tool.  I don't own it but I was cropping with my friend, Cyndi, who has one of everything known to man (or at least to scrapbookers) and she let me borrow it.

And here's the final page with some journaling strips:
Here is a  better photo of it:
Well, sort of better....but I'm still loving my Easel.
And here is a closeup of the castle.  I love the mixes of prints.

I love the way it turned out.

I love my little guy and artist/sculptor and castle builder.

Happy Crafting!


  1. Wonderful layout. Especially like the plaid paper used & use of the wallet size photos with white border. Glad you're enjoying the Scrap 'n Easel. I also tear out of my magazines.

  2. I just found your blog and have enjoyed reading many of your posts this morning over coffee. You have given me lots of great ideas, and I love your writing style, very entertaining. Thanks!!

  3. Great layout & story! He must get his artistic ability from his grandma (or are you a nana?) Love the papers and that the pictures are wallet sized! :)Amy

  4. Love it Susan, and I love the pictures of AG! I need to get my scrapping mojo back.


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