
Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Jury is Out!

Anyone who knows me or follows me here in the blogging world knows I am a self professed GADGET QUEEN!  I love getting my hands on the latest...and sometimes the greatest!

A few weeks back I ordered the new imagicut from The Craft Channel which is a ribbon cutting tool.  The imagicut is manufactured by Imaginisce which makes many cool crafting tools including my beloved i-rock!
It looks like this:
It is probably about 4-5 inches long...very light weight although once you put 4 AA batteries in then it is, of course, heavier!  What this little gadget does is cut AND SEAL your ribbon.  It does it by heating up an element that when it heats up it sort of cuts through your ribbon and seals it so it will not fray.

You simply lay your ribbon across the Imagicut using the guidelines on the inside:
Then you close down for a few seconds and you get this:

A cut and sealed piece of ribbon.  You can also get a chevron but by folding it but I haven't practiced that yet.

Now the reason the jury is out on this new tool is that I think I would most likely just reach for my scissors to cut my ribbon rather than waiting for this little gadget to heat up and cut.  Especially for scrapbook pages which I place behind page protectors.  I mean...I really can't see the need to seal those pieces of ribbon, you know?

I might use it for ribbon on cards or projects where the ribbon is not so on a mini album or altered artwork. 

Really, though...a bottle of Fray Check and a good pair of scissors would do just as well, I think! 

Indispensible?  Nah....don't think so.  I will take it to my 4 day crop next week and see how much I really use it there and then maybe the jury will be ready for a vote!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Thanks for the review- you do have the gadgets... I'm not sure I would use it either- seems like a lot of space and work just to cut a ribbon (although the no fraying seems nice) :)Amy

  2. I'm liking the bow maker I bought recently made by Cathie of Creative Cutter Room and my Tim Holtz scissors seem to do the cutting job for me just fine. Not used Fray Check. Is it sold in Hobby Lobby or JoAnns or Michaels?
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  3. This sure is an interesting post Susan.. we dont get such gadgets here in India but I love to know about it!


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