
Friday, April 20, 2012

I Love Leftovers!

I do love leftovers!  I love to cook up a bunch and eat leftovers.  It doesn't bother me to eat the same thing 4 days in a row!

I also like leftovers in the craft room....and probably save too many scraps "just in case"!

As I was cleaning up my room from the Great Thank You Note Project that I just completed for a friend (shown HERE and HERE) I came across some leftovers.  My thought was "If I don't use these right now....and I mean RIGHT NOW...I will forget I have them!"  So in the midst of the cleanup I whipped (I love saying that word) out this card.

 It's a window card made with a Hero Arts/Sizzix set.  You know how I love stamps and coordinating dies.  They cut out so neatly....they really appeal to the OCD part of me.
I used the same DCWV papers from the other day and some Hero Arts Chalk Ink (love that stuff....note to more) and some Hero Arts pearls and gems.

Here's a view of it closed up:

And a sort of side view:

Now...back to cleaning up!

But....not bad for "leftovers", huh?

I'm entering this in the A Blog Named Hero Challenge of creating a card with a view!

Happy Crafting!


  1. I'm a leftover kind of person also. Same here; I do not mind eating the same thing days in a row. I'm having spaghetti for lunch that was leftover from a dinner I made this wk. I also save my scraps. There's a challenge at Hiding in My Craftroom that is all about using up scraps. I entered all this wks entries since I used scraps in each of this wks creations.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. I hit the submit too fast and forgot to mention how I like the window cut on this card. Hero Arts has some neat stuff.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  3. Hi Susan, Wow you whipped that beautiful card in no time. I like it the colors go together so nice. That's my biggist problem combining colors that look good. Susan if you can give me some tips on that. I did some cards on my blog, come take a look. Hugs and God bless!

  4. love your sweet flower window and that patterned paper! thanks so much for playing along with our Challenge #2 at A Blog Named Hero


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!