
Friday, May 4, 2012

The Wait...

I just completed this layout but it is of the time we were in the hospital awaiting Adorable Baby Girl's (Taylor's) arrival. 
I didn't get great pictures of little David because he was always on the move but it is what it is....;)
The papers and embellishments were from My Mind's Eye.
Oh...and I blurred the photo in the bottom right of the right sided page.  I took a picture of the epidural site and figured I didn't need to post it all over the world wide web! Both times Amanda wanted to see what it looked like so I was happy to oblige by snapping a photo.  She loved her epidurals as evidenced by the drugged smile of her! LOL!

Here they are...
Left side:
Right side:
And side by side:
Looks sort of lopsided here but it really is pretty even in real life!

And a closeup of the cute little banner.  Like Monet or Picasso I seem to be moving from period to period.  I just left my butterfly period and seem to have entered the banner period.  HAHA!  But I'll probably go back to butterflies at some point.  Did you know Monet was in his blue period near the end of his career because he had cataracts and the only color he could see with any intensity was blue?  I thought that was very interesting....

Happy Crafting and Banner Making!

1 comment:

Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!