
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Where in the World Was Susan and over 1000 Photos Later!

Now that I am back home I can let you in on a little secret!  I've been out of the country on one of my travels again.  I went to Scotland and Ireland last October...remember?  Well, I was far from home once again!  Great trip...gone for 12 days and loved every minute of it....but of course, it is good getting back home after a trip, isn't it?

I don't usual advertise when I'm going to be gone because, of course, I am worried that some stalker who reads my blog will see we are out of town and come steal all my paper crafting toys.  Take the china, take the crystal...take the silver....but LEAVE MY SILHOUETTE!  LOL!!!

Anyway, I took well over 1000 photos and will share a few here...and maybe you can guess where I've been!

 Maybe you've been here and recognize some of my photos.

Well, it may be a day or two before I am back in the crafting mode.  I had a nearly 10 hour flight yesterday and am a bit jet lagged!

Now I need to get working on my next trip....the world is my oyster, as they say!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Welcome back Susan! Your photos look gorgeous and I am envious----is it Italy? England? You lucky, lucky girl.... :)Amy

  2. Should I be the spoiler and say where you've been girlfriend? Sure what the hey you've been to Spain and back. One of hubby's brother likes to go to Spain and is going there this Summer.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  3. That looks like a wonderful trip! Your pictures are gorgeous.

  4. Welcome back Susan ...such wonderful photos ! Ha Ha the prayer to the thief is good!

  5. Oh what GORGEOUS photos!!!! Can't wait to see more!

  6. Wonderful photo's! I agree with Donna! We want to see more!!!


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