
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Expression Through Embroidery

A really quick post here today...I've been busy the last few days and couldn't do any crafting.  Not complaining is good!  We've had great weather and I've been outside a good bit.

Anyway...I like all forms of creative expression whether it be scrapbooking, cardmaking, fiber arts, painting, architecture (which I loved seeing in Spain), beautiful cakes like the one my friend, Kelly, did for Taylor's birthday, etc.  My good friend, Cyndi, has ventured into a new form of creative expression....machine embroidery!  She recently bought one of those fancy schmancy embroidery sewing machines and has been cranking out all kinds of great things.  She made the cutest little apron for Taylor for her birthday....and then the other day she gave my grandkids these oh-so-cute personalized towels...

Aren't they just the cutest???

Thanks, Cyndi!

Happy Crafting, ya'all!


  1. Wonderful personalizing. They look professionally made. Are the Minnie Mouse & Cars images embroidered also?
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

    1. Yes, she embroidered them with her machine, as well.


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