
Friday, June 29, 2012

Flash! 4 Cards in 30 Minutes!

My hands worked faster than the speed of sound on these cards.  OK, not really but I did make 4 cards in 30 minutes.  Of course they were the same card but still....that is a good time for moi!  I totally CASEd this....for those of you who don't know what CASE means...well, it means that you find something to steal inspire you and use it.  I was totally inspired by this and decided to steal use it.  (Oh and CASE means "Copy and Steal Everything")  Here is the original:
and is from Danielle Walls at Neat and Tangled.  She has a really great blog with all kinds of wonderful ideas! I loved the simplicity of this card made with Lawn Fawn's Flying By set.
Here is my take on it:
I added another splash of color with some Washi tape because...well, ya know....I now have 427 rolls of it and need to start using it!  (slight exaggeration on the number of rolls....)

I stamped and cut the plane out of some Doodlebug scraps I had and added it with foam tape to the punched circle which was mounted with foam tape, as well.

And I made 4 of them in 30 minutes:

I am going to a benefit crop tomorrow for a real American Hero...Travis Mills who was critically injured in Afghanistan in April.  He lost both arms and legs but is doing really well and is actually walking again with prostheses.  If you'd like to read his story (and it is an amazing one and if you're American will fill your heart with patriotic pride) you can find it HERE.  He has an amazing wife and adorable child and the positive outlook Travis and his wife have is amazing.

I've made these cards for servicemen to use for Operation Write Home.  My father was career Army...I remember the year he spent in Viet Nam in the mid '60s...there was no Skype, internet, cell phones, etc. back then.  We went a full year without hearing his voice.  He wrote letters to my mother daily...but of course, it took a minimum of 7-10 days for them to be received so when the news was received it was old news.  How technology has certainly improved a terrible situation when our loved ones are deployed far away for long periods of time. 

As we approach Independence Day I want to express my appreciation to all the servicemen out there as well as to their wives at home.  I always said wives of servicemen were the unsung heroes....

I entered this in the following challenges (again, thanks to Sunshine Honeybee for letting me know about challenges...if it weren't for her I'd never enter!):
Craft Your Passion: Things with Wings (this counts as having wings, don't you think?)
Tammy's Scrappin' Corner: Anything Goes

Happy Crafting.


  1. Love the splash of color with the washi tape across the bottom. Very cute!!

  2. Just fantastic Susan, for such a great causeI do OWH also, makes me feel that I am in some helping.
    Have a wonderful weekent and keep creating.


  3. Susan making so many cards that fast must have been gratifying indeed!

  4. Great CASE cards. I'm so glad I have one of these paper airplane cards that you created awhile ago like this one & mailed to me. Glad you entered the challenges.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  5. Very nice. I love them. Thanks for joining us this week at Tammy's Scrapin Corner. We hope to see you again next week. joann sassy raggedy

  6. wow that's really awesome. Just love that these card will be well used! And they are really pretty! You really CASE it well ;)))

    Thanks for joining us as Tammy's Scrapin Corner this week. Hope to see you again next week. DT Vicky

  7. These are wonderful! I'm so glad I inspired you! You addition of the washi tape was genius!

  8. So Very Cute. I really love these image.

    Thanks for Entering the Challenge
    At Tammy's Scrapin Corner.
    I hope to see you enter next week!!
    Hugs Owner Tammy Ortiz


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!