Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Scrapbooking Around the World

My husband is in Thailand right now but wherever his travels take him he has his Scrapbooking Radar on high alert for me.  I love when he sees things he thinks I'd like to see....and with the technology that is available today I get to see what he's sharing almost immediately...and it's almost like being there (except I don't get to touch!....and I didn't have to travel 20plus hours to get there!). 
So he happened on this place yesterday and took these pictures for me and I thought you'd get a kick out of them, too.

And look at the Cricut up on the top left!

I think he's trying to entice me to give Thailand a try again...I went back in 2009 for a week and enjoyed the visit there but the travel time was sooo long and I wasn't sure I wanted to return.  But dangle that scrapbooking carrot in front of my nose and it becomes enticing!

Dave, if you read this....I'm checking airfare!  ;)

Happy Crafting!


  1. It's nice that Dave happened upon this to share. Wonderful to enjoy virtually.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. Dave had to go inside intentionally to take these photos. That's so funny. And nice! I wonder what all those ladies thought. The way everything is in English, it looks like a store in the States.


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