
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Something to Think About...

I was looking through some older projects and decided to share this with you.  You might like to consider doing something similar because it could be quite important to your family.

When my mother passed away in 2008 my brother and I had the responsibility of cleaning out her house, of course.  My mother was decidedly NOT a pack rack...she was the neatest most organized person I have ever known (well, her sisters are similar!)...that gene did NOT get passed on to me, LOL! She had some favorite possessions...maybe not things that were valuable from a monetary standpoint but valuable to her because they were given to her by someone special or she had purchased it to represent something special, etc.

But then when the time came to go through those things I came across items that I knew had a story behind them but I could not remember what it was.  Since both of my parents have passed on those stories are pretty much gone.  It got me thinking that I needed to have a way to record the things in my own life that are special to me so that when I'm no longer here my kids and grandkids will know those stories behind these things.  And then if they still want to get rid of these things in a garage sale...well so be it! :)

I bought a simple photo album....took pictures of things in my possession that mean something to me or that I particularly like and had those photos printed out in wallet sized prints.  Then I just stamped a journaling card and wrote the story behind the photo.  Simple but important I think...
Here are a couple of samples:

It is not complete...and this is a reminder to myself to update it.  I feel much better knowing that my kids will know some other stories of my life....

Happy Crafting!


  1. Susan that is an absolutely cool idea to showcase the things that are important and not just the people. Think I might add these into my Project Life album. Thanks for the great idea!

  2. Oh this is such a wonderful idea Susan

  3. Wonderful idea. I think back to when you sent me some of your Mother's clothes to me since they were my size & thank you for doing so. My daughter still has the blanket & tooth pillow that your Mother made for her.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  4. Excellent idea, Susan. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Susan, This is a beautiful way to leave a reminder of the stuff we leave behind. We can add if they are worth sentimental or monetary value, so our loved one's can decide if they want to keep or sell. I love your recipe binder, it's such a cool idea. Thanks for the inpiration, I think I will start both binders. Hugs always!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!