
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Expression at the Garden

I have not had any mojo to do any crafting this week.  Just a bit under the weather but hoping I get "above the weather" soon!  I did go to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens on Tuesday with my uber fabulous grandkids and their more than fabulous mother who happens to be my daughter.  Each year in October the Atlanta Botanical Gardens has displays of dozens of scarecrows.  They are created by schools, vendors, manufacturers, non profit groups, clubs, etc.  And some are quite fun and creative.  And again....I love all forms of creative EXPRESSION!
Before we get to the scarecrows here are two photos of the two cuties:
David with his "smile, David" face on:
And Taylor riding the chicken in the children's play area.  We think she thinks she's smiling.  LOL!  Hard to get a smile out of that little one sometimes!  And despite loving taking pictures it is very difficult getting a GOOD photo of two toddlers together. Just doesn't happen much! LOL!
This is as good as it got:

Here are some of the scarecrows:

 Your basic Angelina Jolie scarecrow:

 Your basic Pinterest scrarecrow:
 Your scary political scarecrow:

And a favorite...a scarecrow reading the Fifty Shades of Hay:
Off to play tennis this morning....I hope some running around in the fresh air gives me a little mojo to play later in my craft room!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Fun outing. I like the whimsy in the scarecrows; especially 50 Shades of Hay.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. I never seen anything like the scarecrow exhibit. Very cool idea! I love Taylor's smile. :) It's just like 2nd Peter's. :)


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