
Monday, December 10, 2012

Annual Get Together

Yesterday afternoon I attended the 5th annual get together of my scrapbooking group.  We have all attended overnight crops together over the years and love a chance to get together talk, laugh, share, play wild games and eat!  We call ourselves the Sharecroppers because we SHARE and we CROP!
My friend, Debbie, hosted it at her house and had it decorated so beautifully....she is just so creative!
 One of the things we do each year is bring a little stocking stuffer/giftie for each person there.  I made cones with my Silhouette and stuffed them with some candy and a Scrap Happy pink pen.  I forgot to take a picture of the final product!  I received a cute card deodorizer, ribbon, a shot glass (yes, this group does enjoy a drink or two!) and more!  Some people hand make things... Cyndi embroidered us a key ring and Nicole crocheted a dish cloth for us.  Sara who just graduated from UGA in with a BFA in jewelry making/art made us each a pair of earrings.  All wonderfully creative.
A few people brought some wonderful snacks! Yum!
And I also received a few hand made ornaments...always crowd pleasers.  This one by Lisa was just so clever....a little angel made out of a paper clip!  How smart and so cute!
I loved this one by Marie, too....she fashioned a tree out of buttons and twine:
And last but not least Christine made this wonderful little glass ornament with a feather in it from my guardian angel!
Aren't they wonderful?

I'm hoping I get one of the group pictures soon so I can show you how cute we all are! :)

Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun was had by all of you. Like the creativity of the paperclip angel, button tree and the glass ornament with feather inside.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"


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