
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Photo(s) with Santa

As the year ends I am reflecting on what I want to do in 2013.  You can call them resolutions, if you'd like.  One of my resolutions for 2012 was to journal daily.  I made it half the year.  HAHA!  I so admire those who love to keep diaries and journal....I want to be a journaler but I fail miserably each time I try.  I started journals when both of my children were born.  After the story of their births I gave up!  Oh well....
So what am I setting up as goals in 2013?
1. Take more pictures.  I have definitely slacked off taking pictures of my grandangels.  At 3 and nearly 19 months it is just so difficult to get good photos of them because they are always on the move.  I just need to go with it, though, and keep trying. 
2.  Scrapbook more.  I have gotten lax about scrapbooking...I make tons of cards but I want to document a little more what is going on in our lives.  I am going to do Project Life this next year although I will definitely tailor this concept into what works for me.  My goal will be to do a 2 page layout weekly but we shall see.... LOL!
3.  Drink less coffee.  HAHA....not really!  I know I'd fail at that!

Yesterday I ordered some photos from Costco of our visit with Santa and some from Christmas day.  I am cropping on Saturday and hope I can crank out a few pages!

Last night I did this layout of the "professional" photo taken on our visit to Santa:
 I was in Michael's just before Christmas for the deal of the day which were Christmas paper stacks for $7.99. Great deal....these papers are Michael's own brand, Recollections, and I just loved them!
 The title was cut with my Cameo from a file purchased in the Silhouette Online store.  I offset it slightly to give a bit of shadow.
I will do a companion page when I get those little photos in my hands! 

Do you have any resolutions or goals for 2013?

Happy Crafting!


  1. Some of my favorite photos of 2nd Peter are blurred because he was always in action. I probably wouldn't ever make a scrapbook page with any of them, but I enjoy seeing them anyway.

  2. LOVE the page layout, Susan! I'm scared of getting into scrapbooking, because I feel you need to fill up a larger space, so that discourages me hehe (: I hope to start one day, though...

    Thank you SO very much for all the love and support you have shown me on my blog directly as well as on the Paper Smooches posts!!! That means the world to me!!! SO thankful for sweet blog friends like you!!! *hugs*

    And yes, please send me the measurements for that cute box you made on your blog the other day! I want to give it a try soon!!! (:


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!