
Monday, July 29, 2013

You're the Greatest!

Talk about NO memory!  HAHA! The last card I posted I had already blogged about just a few days ago! Whoopsie!  Oh's staying up!  You all are the greatest for not calling me on it...or maybe you have no memory, too, and don't recall having seen the same card a few days ago!

I have CRS if you know what I'm talking about.  The theory I subscribe to is that my brain is so full of info there is just no room for something new! LOL!

Anyway, on to something new here, I hope!!!

This simple card was also made with the May kit for the Simon Says Stamp Card Club.  Very simple-ish, I think.

The yellowish banner thingy was done with a stamp included in the kit.  The pretty trim was also included and I just needed to USE it, you know?  The heart was a chipboard heart that I just loaded up with Enamel Accents.

Do you ever create a card and think....well, that looks decent. And then when you post it and you see it on your blog you think...well, I should have moved that fill in the blank over just a tad or down or whatever.  I do that all the time!  Here I wish I had a little more pink at the top.  LOL!!!  We are just NEVER satisfied, are we?!

Looks like a decent day here in GA.  We have barely had to run our sprinklers this summer with all the rain.  Not normal for this part of the US of A.  But, at least it's green here!

I'm going walking shortly!

Oh....and playoff round for #2 team went better than the one where I got my rear end kicked the other night.  This time I was the kicker instead of the kickee.  We won 6-4, 6-0. Those of you who don't follow tennis scoring...well, anytime you see the "0" in the score you should know that someone got kicked!  We call that a bagel.  As in "we bageled them in the second set".  I love tennis.

It sure was hot, though!

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. I like the neon yellow banner piece against that background. Next year, we need to take a field trip to the tennis in downtown Atlanta. To think I could have been watching Hewitt AND Isner...UGH, not sure what I was thinking not getting tickets to that event.

    Glad you have been doing so well in tennis, you win some, you lose some...but happy you are on the winning end.

  2. Like the lace. The chipboard heart gives it an artsy look. I posted a scrapbook layout of Red Kangaroos at KC Zoo and after posting decided to move the sentiment tag & journal tag.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"


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