
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Best Day Ever!

I DID have the best day every yesterday.  I am lucky.  Life is good.  I have the "Best Day Ever" many days a week!  Saturday was a "best day ever" as I cropped with some good friends for the day. That's always fun and ranks among the "best".
Why was yesterday so good?  My Tuesday morning tennis team (as opposed to my Thursday night or Sunday afternoon teams! LOL!) played a playoff match yesterday and we won!  We have survived 3 playoff matches.  Next stop? City Finals!  The championship level!  Woohooo!!!! Now this is for all of Atlanta!  Sounds grand, doesn't it?  Actually, championships are awarded at each level.  Some play higher than we do....some play lower.  But at our level 20 teams started out and 2 remain!  Us and the team that is going to lose on Tuesday when we play.  HAHA!  I'm so confident! LOL!!! Not really but I think it will be some good and competitive tennis. 
Anyway....congrats to my whole team!  We have 15 ladies on this team...and all 15 have contributed to this chance at the championship.  I love these ladies...besides being wonderful tennis players they are fabulous friends!  We have such fun!

OK, on to card making....I took a class at Archiver's recently which focused on selling and yes I bought these oh so wonderful Hero Arts water color looking stamps.  I just love this fun and mostly flat card.  Love the colors and the water color look.  We stuck a little washi tape on for a good measure of fun.

It was so easily duplicated I came home and made another similar one:

Did I say I love these stamps?

Well, wish us luck for Tuesday.....Over my 21 years of playing league tennis I have been to City Finals 7 or 8 times but my teams have only won it once.  I think I'm due for a second one!


Happy Crafting!


  1. Wishing you the best of it at the Tennis City Finals. Like the artsy looking card. Reminds me of some of my daughter's artwork and I mean that in a great way since my daughter is the true artist in my family.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. I think your team is due for a big WIN as well, cant' wait to hear about it. Love this stamps set and those cards as well. I would have been sold on the set had you not snagged the last one :-)

  3. Your card is amazing! You're amazing with your tennis! I can't believe you're able to keep up while you have foot trouble. I can't wait to hear about your win!! =)


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