
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Project Life: Week 32

Well, hellooooooo....

My Tuesday morning tennis team (and not my Sunday afternoon or Thursday night teams.  LOL...yes, summer tennis is busy here in Atlanta!) played in the City Championships yesterday.  Unfortunately the good guys were beat out by the bad guys.  LOL!  Not really....the other team was not made up of bad guys.  They were actually very nice ladies and just outplayed my team.  So hats off to them...but hats off to my team for making it all the way to the championship!  We are finalists and our team came in second out of 20 teams.  Not too shabby. 

And once we get over the loss...which usually takes me about 24 hours...we realize that there is another match just around the corner.  We start practice for our fall season next week!

We did decorate our table a little bit and I used my Silhouette to make the little signs on the front of the table:
One of my teammates made cake pops with donut holes that looked like tennis balls.  I should have gotten a close up picture of them but she had them in those flower pots you can see on the table.  Too cute!

Anyway....I was captain for that team.  A usual season runs 7 weeks but since we went through our regular season PLUS 3 rounds of playoffs and then the city final matches it was a very long season.  I am glad for the season to be OVER!!!

On to Project Life...
Here is the left side for WEEK 32  (August 4-10, 2013):  
 I used some cards made by We R Memory Keepers....not much extra embellishing. 

I added some stickers to the 4x6 card to make a "week" card.  Easy and fast!

And here is the right side:
I used several templates once again to get more photos onto my pages.  This can be a bit time consuming but it is a great way to use less than stellar photos because they print out small.

And that is it for today.

I'm actually up to date....I have Week 33 ready to go!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Fabulous pages, Susan! I can't imagine doing PL without templates. I also can't do PL without my own computer and monitors. A good thing about going home is getting caught up!! Again.

  2. Like the photo of Taylor snoozing on you while on the swing.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"


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