
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Project Life: Week 33

Amazingly....I am caught up.  I keep saying that for me it is just so important to stay caught up on Project Life.  Otherwise I will be Project Lifeless.  It just becomes too overwhelming to me to get behind. 

My big beef with Project Life is selecting and editing photos.  That is just so time consuming.  Project Life is supposed to be about simplifying scrapbooking but this is the part that is complicated and tedious for me.  In fact....I really dislike this part.  I wish there were a professional photo selector out there.  I'd hire in a minute!

But once the photos are printed out in the size I want it's easy goings and so much fun! is my left side:
I used some We R Memory Keepers papers and embellishments.  I had quite a few photos so embellies were kept to a minimum.  Fewer embellies....less $$$!
The "Week 33" text was done with Paper Smooches stamps and some plain ol' blank ink!

Here is the right side:

Very eclectic themed photos...certainly a snapshot of our lives this past week!

Isn't it funny that when you get things all completed and printed up and then you post to your blog you notice goofs?  Like that the top right photo is the same as the one in the middle of the photo collage.  Oh well...I bet you wouldn't have noticed! LOL!  It is staying.  I'm not redoing this! 

Project Life has also freed me from the thinking that my photos need to be perfect.  101% of the photos my daughter takes of my grand-kids is with her iPhone.  It's great to always have a phone handy but the shutter does not always trip as quickly as is needed to catch a toddler's likeness so I do get a lot of blurry or over saturated photos that are beyond fixing up!  But I don't much mind that's about documenting what they do....and when the little ones see these pictures they don't much care if it's in focus or if their skin is washed out.  They just see, with delight, photos of themselves doing some fun and interesting things!  Right?  Life is art and art is life but it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be a da Vinci or Picasso! ;)

I think I'm!

Happy Crafting and thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'm sure that when the kiddos look at the photos they are interested in seeing exactly what you have used which is them doing ordinary things but having fun doing them.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. Not amazingly, I'm not caught up. I'll be so happy to be reunited with my computer et al!! Keep up the good work, Susan! You're my inspiration! PS. I didn't notice the duplication of the photo until you said it. =)


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