
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Project Life: Week 35

I was able to get a little "forward movement" yesterday working on my Project Life and completed Week 35.  Since we are currently in week 37 I shouldn't feel too overwhelmed that I'm behind but I really do prefer the feeling of being caught up! 

Week 35 was a week where both my grand kids and their parents spent part of the week out of town on a little family trip and where I ended the week by flying to New York City for a few days.  I met up with my sister, Pam, and my nephew, Scott.  Scott works in Manhattan at the Standard Hotel which is right on the Highline in lower Manhattan.  What a great hotel with a fabulous view of Manhattan.  I just love city lights. 
Anyway....back to Project Life!
I did simple layouts using Basic Grey journaling cards, some chipboard buttons and some flair.  Easy Peasy as I like to say.  The pages came together very quickly AFTER I SPENT  almost twenty-two hours working on my photos! LOL!!! 
Here is the left side:
My daughter had and rode horses growing up so I bet she just LOVED that the tots were not scared of the horses.  They loved their pony riding!
I made the week card by just taking one of the Basic Grey journaling cards and stamping it with some Hero Arts stamps and some Jenni Bowlin ink.
I thought these chipboard buttons were really cute:

Here is the right side:
Today also happens to be the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the United States.  I was able to visit the National 9-11 Memorial which was built in the footprints of where the Twin Towers collapsed.  It was a very powerful reminder of what happened that day but how we were not defeated by these senseless acts of murder.  The niece of my college roommate whose name was Jean Destrahan Roger was a flight attendant on the first plane to hit a tower.  She was 25 years old.  I found her name which was inscribed as are all the names of those who lost their lives and you can see it in the center photo.  We will never forget.

I added a little flair as well....but kept these pages pretty simple. I am going to add an insert page with some of the other photos from the Metropolitan Museum of Art which I posted the other day.

I hope today is a day of happiness for you and that the families of those who lost lives that day get some comfort knowing their loved ones have not been forgotten.


  1. Love your pages, Susan! What a cool time to be in NYC!And what a blessing Amanda's kids like horses! Amanda can relive this fun part of her own childhood.


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