
Sunday, October 6, 2013

He's Here!

I am a three time grandmother!  My daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby boy Friday night at 22:22 (10:22pm)!  That girl knows how to birth babies...very efficient with the least amount of trouble possible.  5-6 pushes and he was out!

His name is Wade...I guess they will decide on a middle name today.  I guess Wade Susan just won't work.  LOL!

Here he is about 5 hours before he was born!
 Here he is a few minutes after he was born.  He weighed 8lbs 12ozs which is the biggest grandchild by far for me!  And he was 22 inches long at birth.
Here he is with the doctor who delivered him.  My daughter's doctor who delivered the first two was not on call Friday night so this lady delivered him but she was great. 
 Here's one after the eye gook was put in.  LOL!
 And as he was getting his first bath...
 All cleaned up. 
 And yawning at Omie who cannot believe she is a third time grandmother and is only 39 years old!!! How can that be????  LOL!!!
And here's one with the kids taken yesterday.  They were quite the big protective big brother and big sister!
No crafting for me for a few days but woohoo...look at all the subject matter I'll have to scrapbook!!

(Not that I was lacking...!)

Happy Crafting!


  1. Congrats! Wonderful photos. I do not remember the eye goop stuff but then again my daughter is 21 and that is such a life time ago. Glad that the GA Peach (I knew the GA Peach colors would be peachy for a GA newborn) crocheted blanket arrived same day as the baby.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. Susan bog Congrats!!! Proud grandma!!

  3. Congrats! Great photos! Great hair, Susan! That little guy sure has a lot of hair, and it's curly, too! So cute! I hope David's neck is better now that the baby is out of his way (first photo).


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