
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Project Life: Week 40

Week 40 was an incredible week for us...and it was all centered around the birth of my grandson, Wade Garrison.  Sure, I did play tennis that week (and won) and the kids had their usual school activities but we were in the waiting game.  Amanda was due on Sunday, October 6 but she had both David and Taylor before her due dates so we knew this little one could come along at any point.

On Friday I offered to keep the kids so that she and Big David (her hubby)  could have one last night out before they went from a family of 4 to a family of 5.  She had told me that would be great but later in the day I got the text that they would come to my house but would probably not do dinner and to "wash your hair".  That was "code" for she was probably in labor....I had told her that when she thought she was in labor that I would need to know so that I could wash my hair!  I didn't want pictures of me with my new grandchild to show me with ratty hair, you know?  LOL!  So instead of saying she was in labor she just told me to wash my hair.  LOL!!!

They arrived here around 5:30, I think and dropped of the two little ones and headed to the hospital.  I took David and Taylor to their other grandparents and headed to the hospital so I could be there with them. 

I arrived at the hospital at about 6:45pm. By that time she was already 5-6cm dilated, I think.  It wasn't long before she was 8-9cms and then time to have the baby.

Amanda has babies quickly.  I knew this time around that I would need to have my camera ready and focused.  Taylor came so quickly that I wanted to tell the Dr. to put her back as I didn't get many pictures.  This time I was a little better prepared! ;)

So my Project Life for Week 40 is pretty much all about the day the little guy joined us (although I did sneak a couple of photos of David in!).

Here is the left side:
 I purchased these little filler cards which are made by Me and My Big Ideas and worked just fine for me!  Nothing to it except to corner round it and stick it in the album.
 My week card was also done with a Me and My Big Ideas journaling card and some Thickers.
I am letting the photos do the talking....
Here is the right side:
Witnessing a child being born (and not being in labor yourself) is truly a miracle.  Amazing. Overwhelming.  Awe-inspiring.  Sensational. Incredible.  You get the idea. 

I am a lucky Omie.

OK, so this two page spread only goes to Friday but my weeks go to Saturday. I have a lot of photos for Saturday, though, when several people came to the hospital to see the little guy so I am going to do another two page spread for that.  An insert page just would not be enough, you know?  A Week 40 part B, so to speak...

I am off today to spend with a friend or two and meet some new ladies who also have a love of paper crafting. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday...thanks for stopping by!

And...Happy Crafting!


  1. I don't blame you for making this week's pages very photo-centered, and I'm not surprised you're doing two more pages. This was a big week! (Like you didn't notice.) LOVE Amanda in the hospital bed with lipstick. I always delivered with full make-up, too. =)

  2. Me again. Are you including the text you wrote here on your pages? The wash-your-hair story needs to be recorded! =)

  3. I agree nothing is more exciting than watching a baby being born into the world-it is amazing!

    Love your pages, little D in the pirate outfit (that's what Fin is going to be for Halloween) and the little "it's a boy" insert car-very cute!

  4. Congrats once again on the perfect new little guy, Omie! Your pages always inspire me. I'm digital like Donna but your paper pages are perfect and I have two mini albums to fill with ABCs for my boys. If only there were more hours in a day ... Anyhoo, keep up the fantastic work, Susan.


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