
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Project Life: Week 45

Oh My Doodness!  OK, that is NOT a typo.  I am impersonating my granddaughter, Taylor, who just does not quite get "good" out.  Everything is "dood".  The other day she came in the house when I was making soup..."Omie, that smells DOOD!" is the first thing she said.  And then once she was behind me in a chair and hugging me and said "Omie, you smell dood!"  So...there you go..."oh my doodness I am behind on my Project Life!"  I did so well all year to fall behind at the last stretch.  I had foot surgery November 5 and then we went on a cruise the first week in December so just have behind, behind, behind....but I'll get it done...I promise....and all will be "dood".  Again.

Ok...I'm a speech therapist and I KNOW that "dood" is not really good at all....but really she's just fronting her back sounds.  The sounds you make in the back of her mouth (i.e. the k/g sounds) Taylor makes at the front of her mouth...t/d).  Lotsa kids do it at her age so I'm not worried....she will get it straightened out.  And if not....I know a decent speech therapist who can help her.  ;)

But mostly, I just love when she says "dood".   Life is way "dood".

Enough of all that doodness. And onto Project Life.

I actually have a few weeks done I forgot to is Week 45. 
I know I used Thickers for the week card but I really don't recall what other papers I used.  So there. 

Here is the left side:

And can see my ugly deformed foot in the bottom right picture and my foot post surgery.  It's doing great, by the way!

I love these Scrabble tile letter stickers...
And here is the right side.  Lots of photos of cute little Wade.
And one of me in the hospital after my surgery.  Texting, of course.  LOL!
Well, that's it for Week 45...I'm going to spend some of my New Year's Eve working to finish Project Life for 2013.

Thank "Doodness"!

And Happy New Year to all...may 2014 be the best year ever!


  1. Like the Scrabble tile stickers. First thought they were actual Scrabble tiles since I have seen people do that. Have to ask what are they made of since they look like actual wood to me? Wade is rockin' the sunglass shades. Happy New Year!
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. Nice to see you back here! You watch - I'm less behind than you are, but you'll finish 2013 before I do. How 'bout I just concede defeat now and take the pressure off both of us? =)

    My goodness your pages are getting full of kids. I'm enjoying hearing Taylor's talk. Include her words in your journaling!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!