
Monday, January 13, 2014

Baby Shower Fun!

....or as my granddaughter, Taylor, calls it:  "Baby 'Shadow'"!  I love children learning the little things they say!

My friend, Christine, and I threw a baby shower/shadow yesterday for our good friend Cyndi and her daughter, Brooke, who just gave birth to a little boy.  Little Logan decided to be born at the end of December joining his grandmother on her birthday but was not due to be born until early February!  Yep, he gave his parents another tax deduction for 2013...and came about 6 weeks ahead of schedule!  He spent a week in NICU (and even was tended by Christine's sister, Teresa who is a NICU RN) but went home 2 weeks ago and is doing beautifully.

And actually as this was a second baby we called it a "Baby Sprinkle"...much more casual and smaller than a Baby Shower.

I got into my crafting mode and made a few things for the shower.  I had the best time doing it...and am feeling more and more confident working with vinyl.

The first thing I did was to get a bucket at Dollar Tree and put Logan's name and a little train on it.
  This was a great find at the Dollar Tree (oh, really was just $1!) and with a few cents worth of vinyl...well, it made a great little thing to stash more stuff in.
I used it with some tissue to hold the party favors.  No mints for us.  This is flu season...we went with personalized hand sanitizers!  ;)

Here are the hand sanitizers...and they were a hit!
The font I used (which I cut out with my Silhouette Cameo) is Oh! Photo Shoot which can be downloaded for free.  The date was something else but now I don't really remember...  HAHA!  No memory for me!
And the feet and onesie were from files purchased in the Silhouette store.
Again, the hand sanitizers which were 10 ozs each were purchased at the Dollar Tree.  And for a few cents worth of vinyl...well, a great little treat, I think!
And I learned some tips while doing these.  The first 3 I did took me over an hour...but then I learned some tricks.  The most difficult things were A. removing the old label and B. getting the design to lift up on the transfer tape.  To deal with Difficult Thing A I learned that if I heated the label with my heat gun for a few seconds the label peeled easily and with virtually NO residue!  Yay, heat gun! And no, I did not burn anything up!
To deal with Difficult Thing B I realized that if you remove the backing from the vinyl as opposed to lifting with the transfer tape it was much easier.  I know that makes no sense unless you've worked with vinyl...but it is true. Turn you design over and roll back the vinyl backing.  Easy peasy.  I was able to do the next 15 bottles in under an hour! :)

I loved them.

I also made a diaper cycle as a table decoration. It's made with diapers, receiving blankets, socks, a washcloth, a bib, a baby bottle (for the headlight)  and a linking ring.  Very quick and much faster than a diaper cake.  I found the instructions HERE.

I had sent a photo to my daughter who said it looked much cuter in real life than in the trust was very cute!

I should have taken a photo without the teddy bear on it...but maybe you get the idea.  It was very fast and cute....and obviously is usable once the mommy takes it apart!

And here is the cake we had made.  It was yummy.  

The Sprinkle was a success and I'm happy I got to be a part of it!  Can't wait to see little Logan in person!

Happy Crafting!


  1. It amazes me at how talented you are at making these things!
    Love what you made!

  2. You did an amazing job on your sprinkle, Susan! You are SO creative! I know your friends really appreciated all you did.

  3. the baby items are adorable, like the diaper arrangement, clever & so cute, you did a wonderful job with the vinyl on the bucket & hand sanitizers, I'm not so good with tiny font pieces

  4. LOVE the bear on the bike! I've seen those before..ALMOST makes me wish I could have another baby- ALMOST..then I smack myself and ask WHAT are you thinking woman! did a great job.


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