
Monday, January 6, 2014

Project Life: Week 48

And here we are at Week 48!  Well, actually we are in week 1 of Project Life 2014.  Have I started that yet?  Nope...need to finish 2013!

But here we are and I'll make this short...

Here is the left side:

I used Doodlebug papers for the cards this week...and some beloved Thicker stickers for the Week card.  See?
I added a few little leaf sequins and a round one, too.  They add a little fun and shine!

Here is the right side:

Mostly photos with a little journaling.  This shouldn't take me hours to complete but, of course, it does! LOL!

This week included Thanksgiving.  I had my eye rolling family do a Grateful Tree again.  I had them do it last year, as can see that HERE if you'd like.  There are a few who will remain unnamed (my daughter) who thinks this is a great idea and goes right along with it.  Then there are those who would make you believe they'd rather have a root canal than have to write down something as corny as what he or she might be grateful for!  Sheesh!  I didn't get much out of them...but I did get something and here is the end result:

And someone forgot to use the PRINTED PAPER side and wrote on the underside.  But I stuck it on anyway....

 I would think that my family would have so much to be grateful for that this would be the most leaf filled tree ever.  LOL!  And not one person wrote they were thankful for OMIE AND THE GREAT MEAL SHE SLAVED OVER TO MAKE!  HAHA!  I'm bad....

And by George....I am going to make them do this for 2014,  too...out of spite! HAHA!  I think we will not eat until they complete at least 3 leaves each.  What do you think of that?  ;)

Happy Crafting!

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