
Monday, August 25, 2014

Project Life, 2014 Week 5B

More Digital Project Life dilemmas....Some weeks I may have more photos to use that what would fit on a standard 2 page spread.  How does one handle additional photos.  My personal Project Life Guru, Donna Gibson, of 365 Day of Donna prints out insert pages and then uses smaller page protectors to insert her printed pages in.  I was hoping to get my pages printed out in a photobook (or 2) this year and wondered how insert pages could be handled.  Donna directed me to another blogger who actually does photo books....has "insert pages" printed directly into her book and then cuts away (with scissors) the part she doesn't want to keep.

Ok, that made about as much sense as mud.  Let me see if I can find the link. it is:

You can more clearly see how she printed a "half page" and then cut around it to make it look like an insert page.

I love the look but the idea of cutting up my printed book gives me the heebie jeebies.  Plus, being the frugal one, why would I pay for a whole page to cut half away?!  But I love the idea and maybe some other time!

For now I will just make extra pages.

So here is my 5B...where we had additional happenings that week that needed to be mentioned.  Get it?

And mostly that additional happening was I went to the beach for my annual several week stay.  :)

I used items from the Just Jamie August Storyteller kit.  I love it.  So fun...and so easy to work with!  I love that she includes a lot of digital stamps in her kit that just work so well to liven up a layout!

Here is a closeup of the left side and my fabulous friend, well as my cutie pie dog, Isabella.
Linda rode down with me to the beach and stayed a few days.  I <3 her.  We have been tennis partners for 14 years!  And still going strong... :)

And here is the right:
And that's it for today, my friends...

Happy Crafting and Keep Creating!

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