
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Project Life, 2014: Week 7

Well, I thought I'd throw up a card here today instead of a Project Life layout but, alas, I don't have any cards to share!  It's about time my hands start feeling some paper and get messy with some inks and dyes.  Maybe today...

But I've become addicted to getting my Project Life for 2014 done.  After months of procrastinating I decided to jump in and now I am just obsessed with trying to get back on track.  Oh...Thanks, Niki and Donna!  Sheesh.

But, really....I'm loving it...and I sit in my family room with the tv tuned to the US I keep an eye on the cutie, Grigor Dimitrov, and see what tennis prowess he is demonstrating.

He is cute...don't you think?

My all time favorite, Rafael Nadal, pulled out of this tournament because he has a wrist injury.  So sad... 

Anyway, on to Project Life....and here we have Week 7.  That covers the period of February 9-15, 2014. 

I was into my second or so week at the beach and my daughter and grandkids came down to stay for a few days.  They just love being down there, too...and we have a great time.

Here is the left side:
I love Donna's way of doing her week cards.  She found the creation of the week card sort of annoying so she decided this year to use a landscape photo for her week card and overlay some brush work.  I like hers a lot better than mine but this is what I came up with.  I used an Ali Edwards brush that I found HERE.  I just stamped it in white on the photo and reduced the opacity a bit.  It was a simple way to identify the week but leave the beauty of the photo intact, I think.  And boy oh boy, do I love a winter beach sunset.  They are just different.  And there is a scientific reason,  of course.
If you're interested here is the reason...if not skip on down!

First, a lesson in the colors of the rainbow: Blue light has a short wavelength, so it gets scattered easiest by air molecules, such as nitrogen and oxygen. Longer wavelength lights -- reds and oranges -- are not scattered as much by air molecules.
During sunrise and sunset, light from the sun must pass through much more of our atmosphere before reaching our eyes, so it comes into contact with even more molecules in the air. Much of the blue light gets scattered away, making the reds and oranges more pronounced.
During this time of year, weather patterns allow for dry, clean Canadian air to sweep across country, and more colors of the spectrum make it through to our eyes without getting scattered by particles in the air, producing brilliant sunsets and sunrises that can look red, orange, yellow or even pink.

Interesting, huh? 

Back to the layout...I used an Ali Edwards brush for the bottom right photo as well.  And the top right photo and journaling card were done with Katie Pertiet's Pocket Splits 1.  These templates are so wonderful for photo and journaling!  Love them...although they are a tad time consuming to use!  LOL...if there is a simple way to do it I am going to find the harder more complicated way.  Overkill.  But it's fun, right?

I used the Traci Reed February kit for my papers and embellishments.

And here is the right side:

The top right card has another Ali Edwards stamp...and the card was a template from Lori Whitlock.
And lastly, the "Wonder" stamp was from Katie Pertiet.

It was a fun week.  Life is good.  Project Life plugs along (at a snail's pace....but it's getting done!)

Happy crafting and keep creating!


  1. Oh! WOW! WOW! These are GREAT! I love everything about them! Then again, you got some pretty cute subjects to deal with!

    1. Thanks, does make this whole PL thing easier....the hard part is when you have a hundred photos and need to narrow it down. And the more grandkids I have the harder it is! :)

  2. Interesting photo of you on laying on a bed of nails.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  3. I'm so thankful for the week card idea appearing in my head! It's the only fast part about my PL pages. Great work, Susan!!!


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