
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Project Life, 2014: Week 10

I did actually get a card or two made the other day when my friend, Cyndi, came over for an hour or two....but mostly we just chatted.  But that was very fun, too!

Although my favorite male tennis player of all time pulled out of the the huge tennis tournament, the US Open, due to injury I am still enjoying watching some very good tennis!  It will conclude this weekend.

So, I've been sitting in front of the tv doing virtual crafting and creating...and that's where digital Project Life is so good.  I do it with my mess...and I can watch tv.  My only issue is that my Photoshop Elements crashed twice yesterday.  Lesson learned?  Save out STUFF very, very often!  :)

Here is Week 10.  This brings me into March and about the time I returned from the beach.  Sad to leave the beach, but happy to be home to see the children!

I used Just Jamie's March Storyteller for most papers and embellishments (or what in the digital world are called elements) in addition to a brush from Ali Edwards for my week card.

Here is the left side:

I used the vertical Becky Higgins template D for the right side:

 Another thing that makes digital Project Life much easier (for me, at least) than paper scrapping is that when you use one kind of template (or in real paper life a slotted page protector) you don't have to worry about what you will do on the flip side.   For example, if the above page were real life paper then when I were to begin Week 11 (which would be on the reverse side of this) I would have to make sure I had vertical photos.  Get it?  That can be a problem.  But with digital PL you can use whatever you want...what is on one side does not impact the other.  Simple!

In addition to the stuff I named I also used a few Tracy Larsen templates for some of the 4x6 photos.  And the little photo of our cute Taylor on the bottom is just a 3x4 card with a stroked outline around the photo. No template was harmed in the development of that card! ;)

Well, that's it for today.

Happy Crafting and Keep Creating!


  1. Enjoyed the photos. The silly hair day reminds me of the enjoyable times when daughter was younger and her school had these type of days. Especially like the Brothers photo.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"


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