
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Project Life, 2014: Week 35

The layout for Week 35 which covers late August was a little more difficult for me because I used a standard digital scrapbooking kit...not one that had journaling or title cards already created.  I. Had. To. Make. My. Own.  Which took me a bit longer.  But still fun...except when I closed out my layout and had forgotten to save it! HORRORS!  The good news...after I uttered a few that it was easy to recreate because I had saved out the individual cards I'd already created.

I wish I had never looked at Donna Gibson's layouts at 365 Days of Donna.  If I had never looked at her blog I would just have simply plopped pictures in the slots and added a few journaling cards.  But no...Donna makes gorgeous pages with lots of individual templates and treatments so I have jumped on that bandwagon.  But it does all look so great...and is mostly worth the time and effort!

I used Traci Reed's Little Joy kit which you can see here.  When I saw the elements included in it I thought it would be perfect for Project Life-Style scrapbooking.  And it was!

Here is the two page spread:

And here is a closer look at the left side:

I love these very candid shots of my grandkids.  They may not be portrait perfect but it does capture them living.  I especially love the one in the top left of David playing hopscotch.  Their mother does a fantastic job of getting those kiddoes outside running and jumping and playing!

Here is the right side:

Well, that is all for today! Hope you all find time for some fun and beauty in your lives today!

And Happy Crafting and Keep Creating!!!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I've inspired someone! That may or may not be good, since I'm always behind and totally into overkill. The way I look at it is, this is my hobby. It's more fun to play with stuff on my pages than just to slap down photos. These pages are wonderful, Susan!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!