
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Project Life, 2014: Week 14

I really haven't done much paper crafting lately and I really need to get into my room and make some cards.  I did make a sympathy card yesterday but didn't even bother to take a picture of it as it is my "go to" card and you've probably already seen it before!

So I spent my evening with laptop in lap watching a bit of tv and working on my Project Life layout for week 14.  And I got it done! 

I used Traci Reed's April kit and I love the colors.  So up my alley!

Here is the 2 page spread:

I love all the snippets of color.

Here is a closer up of the left side:
I love the little photo of Wade in the top left.  Happy little boy!  The children had a busy, horsebackriding, playing on the playground, and washing my dog! LOL!

Here is the right side:

The bottom middle photo is so funny.  Not a good picture but that's Taylor crammed into my dog's crate.  She likes to "play puppy" and what you can't see is that she has her puppy costume on! Funny girl!

And that's it for today.  After a full day of rain yesterday the sun is shining today and I am off to enjoy this wonderful Autumn weather!

Happy Crafting and Keep Creating!


  1. What can I say? Your pages just get better and better!
    Love these!
    The kids are just so cute!
    Love Taylor in the dog crate!

  2. I love the photos of Wade with his foot in his mouth! I have similar photos of 2nd Peter. And I have ones of him sucking on my foot. That was after he learned to crawl. He had a foot fetish for a while. Now Peter is in the dog stage. He barks and walks on all fours. The photo of Wade and the chalkboard is fantastic!!

  3. I can't believe how big he is getting-looks like such a happy little one. Great pages, I really miss working on mine, but have been so lazy to edit the photos.

  4. Especially like the horse back photos. Funny about Taylor crawling into the dog crate. My comments seem to be showing up so I'll go back thru.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"


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