
Friday, October 10, 2014

Project Life: Week 13 Washington

Going back in time to Week 13 which covers late March.  During that time I flew to Washington, D.C. for a few days to attend a retirement ceremony for a very good friend, do a bit of roaming around and lastly to visit a friend near Baltimore.  I packed quite a bit in just a few days so decided I wanted to do a separate layout for this week...instead of incorporating it into my regular week's layouts.  Got it?

So here it is:
 I used the Expedition digital kit by Sarah Hurley.

Here is a closer up view of the left side:
I flew in and went straight to Arlington National Cemetery where my parents are buried.  This was the first time I as able to return since my mother passed away in 2008...and I finally got to see the new headstone.  My mother was cremated and her urn was placed in my father's grave site.  They share a headstone which is common at ANC...his information is on the front of the headstone and hers is on the back.  Interesting, huh?

I also walked around the National Mall as the sun was setting and got some lovely photos of some of the monuments and memorials but only included a few in my layout.

And lastly...woohoo...there is a picture of my friend, Dottie, and me.  She lives near Baltimore and I drove up to her home.  We had a great visit, a great lunch and she gave me a tour of her area which was gorgeous...despite some icky rain! 

Here is the right side with photos from my friend's retirement ceremony.  I met Ken when I was 15 years old and a sophomore at Frankfurt American High School in Frankfurt, Germany.  He was a very wise and wonderful senior at the time. Brilliant man. He went to Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University and went to medical school at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. I am so proud he is my friend. We have kept in touch for over 40 years...and when I learned he was retiring from over 30 years in the United States Air Force as an MD I knew that I would attend his retirement ceremony.  Wouldn't have missed it!

That's Ken and me in the top left photo.

Best wishes, Ken, in your retirement.  (Although about a week later he went back to work for the government! LOL...his retirement lasted only a few days!)

And to the rest of you...Happy Crafting and Keep Creating!


  1. Wonderful layouts. I especially like the night photo of the Washington Monument w/ terrific reflection.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. I love DC! You've got fabulous photos here, Susan, of the city! And that one of you and Dots! LOVE!! These are very special pages.

  3. Love the page!!! Love the pic of you and Dots!


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