
Friday, December 19, 2014

Wham, Bam...Smack! the middle of the holiday season.  Christmas is just 6 days away!
I've been out of the blogging loop for a while.  Where have I been you ask?  Well, having my foot butchered!
Ok, not really butchered but up until hour 48 following surgery that's exactly what it felt like!  Thankfully I am doing much better now and the throbbing has gone from massive to slightly less than massive!
Knowing I wouldn't be crafting much in the next couple of weeks (since I don't trust myself on stairs just yet and my craft room is downstairs) I tried to get a few things done in the past couple of weeks.  I made these ornaments for my scrapbooking ladies group with some blue vinyl, clear glass bulbs and a design from the Silhouette Store.  The tag is from a Hero Arts stamp and die set and stamped with Hero Arts silver ink.  I put a little "snow" in each ornament...I made 16 of them.  They worked up pretty quickly and I think the ladies who received them like them.
And since Scrapbookers believe in the "art" of preserving memories I thought the design was perfect!

As I'm not really able to be up and around and shopping (some benefit to having surgery this time of the year!) I have just been enjoying my nice quiet house with my pretty tree and lights.  What presents I did buy are wrapped and Hallelujah for gift cards! LOL!

And now a shout out for something totally different!  I love makeup and skin care products.  I am always looking for the next greatest know?  Things that will make me look 10 years younger (well, ok...2 would even be good!)...

I don't know that these products make me look much younger but they are fantastic!  What am I talking about?  Honeysuckle Soaps is a line of skin care products and soaps that are all natural. You can check the website out HERE.  I picked some up recently at a show and was skeptical but they were packaged in cool little bottles (and I am a sucker for packaging!) and I liked the minimal and not overpowering scents so decided to give the products a whirl.  I purchased "Glow Daytime Serum" which is an oil that I use sparingly on my face. My skin drinks the stuff up...and yep...those tiny fine lines around my eyes fade away!  It's true!
I also bought a bottle of the NightTime Serum which includes various oils (Vitamin E included) and extracts but also includes just a hint of lavender for that night time relaxation!  And it's all natural, too...and makes my face feel great as I settle down for the night.
I am so in love with this stuff I ordered more as gifts on Sunday and by Tuesday it was here!  I also have the Lavender body lotion that I put on before I go to sleep..nothing better than lavender at night for restful sleeping!

And it's all very, very reasonably priced and shipping is reasonable, too!!!
So if your face tends to need some nourishment and you lean towards natural things and not those icky chemicals that some of the high end cosmetic companies use give Honeysuckle Soap a try!  The company says they provide "food for the skin" and by George...I think they are right!

Give them a try....I think you will like it as much as I do!

Happy Crafting and Happy Facial and Body Products!

1 comment:

  1. I could say you injured the foot by jumping over 1 too many tennis nets but I know better. Glad you are recovering from foot surgery. Like the ornaments. Did you use the snap apart kind or not?
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"


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