
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Project Life, 2014: Week 23

Wishing you a most Happy New Year!

Do I have resolutions for 2015?  Well, certainly.  I've already broken one but just couldn't do it today.  LOL!  I was going to walk on my treadmill a bit but we ended up going to the park with the grandkids and then my surgery foot yelled at me "I'VE HAD ENOUGH!"  But that's ok...I think of resolutions as goals...things I want to aspire to...but if I don't do them all the time...well, that's ok, too.
My big resolution is to start Project Life for 2015 on time...which means I will need to get week 1 done by January 3 as that completes "Week 1".  I will be fine. LOL!!! I did get a few photos today of the kids at the park.  I can do this...I can do this...said the little engine!

So...back to 2014.  I have finished Week 23 which you can see below:

I used Just Jaimee's Storyteller for June and a Lilpad template or two.

Here is a closer look at the left side:

And here is the right side:

Not too complicated...I just chose the best photos of the week and stuck them here and there.  It works.  It is done.  On. To. Week. 24.

Happy Crafting!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect photos; perfect journaling! And the pages wouldn't be complete without the little added embellishments.We've got to get faster, because we have to include The Stuff.
    PS. "I have no idea." on Wade . . . hilarious!!! =)


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