
Sunday, January 10, 2016

And Onto 2016!

Wishing all of you A VERY Happy New year! I'm hoping that 2016 is a wonderful year of creativity and happiness for all!

I had a very busy 2015! I was lucky to do some serious traveling and saw all parts of the world.  Many of you know I did an Around the World trip in June and July....we traveled to 8 countries and went over 25,000 miles! It was definitely a dream of a lifetime....I doubt we'll ever be able to duplicate that unless we win the Powerball Lottery! HAHA! 

We did end the year with another incredible trip...we went to London, England for about 5 days and then to southern Germany for about 10 days or so. I was born in Germany to a German mother so going back always feels a bit like home.  I had a bucket list item to see Germany during the Christmas season....I had wanted to go to the Christkindl Markts which are common in Germany during the Lenten season.  And I was not disappointed!  We had a fabulous time flying into Frankfurt and touring Mainz (on the Rhein), Heidelberg, Karlsruhe (the city in which I was born and also on the Rhein River), Munich and Nürnberg. Nürnberg is the site of one of the oldest and most well known Christkindl Markets and it did not disappoint.  I had visited there as a teen with my parents and it had always been on my bucket list to return.  I got to check that off my list!

With all the travel and preparations for Christmas I got very behind on crafting! Yes, I've done some but just haven't made the time for sharing.

I hope to do a bit better blogging in 2016.  No promises but I do enjoy sharing so hope to be a bit more successful!

My very good friend, Cyndi, shared with me a project she recently completed for her grandchildren.  She had taken a 16 inch bamboo tray and purchased a 15 inch Lego baseplate which she glued inside the tray.  This makes a very nice little tray for Lego building...and since the tray has sides around it...maybe little pieces will not fall off the table as much.  I don't know about you but the placement of a Lego on the ground is directly proportional to where you will step in bare feet! LOL!

So I decided to CASE her design (Copy And Steal Everything) and make my own for my grandchildren.  The tray was purchased at Walmart and I got the baseplate on Amazon.  The plate was glued in with some E6000 adhesive (good. strong stuff).

I used my Silhouette to cut out a Lego logo as well as some Lego blocks in vinyl.  The logo was found online and the blocks were files purchased in the Silhouette online store.  The little Legos took a little while to create as there were each 4 layers of vinyl!  But it was fun to do and although not perfect...I think my grandchildren will enjoy.

So here are the pictures of the finished Lego tray:

Happy Crafting and Happy New Year!


  1. I LOVE that Lego tray!! I, too, do not love stepping on Legos. I still find them occasionally in the oddest places, like, in the Christmas decorations this year.

    I also love seeing you back to blogging. Oddly I wrote a post last night for the first time in months. (I just need to post it.) So, we're living our parallel lives again. =)

  2. Wonderful Lego creation. Now your grandchildren will not want to leave once they come over & see it.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  3. Susan so happy you had a wonderful world tour...may you enjoy doing what your heart desires this year too!!
    Dr Sonia

  4. That was a great idea (Cyndi)! I am looking forward to be inspired this year. Thanks Susan.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!