Saturday, June 18, 2011

Baby Photography

As I've mentioned before I love dabbling in photography.  I sure have a lot to learn and lighting seems to be my biggest challenge.  I especially love indoor portraits (well, I like taking portraits outside, too) but inside lighting can create difficult situations in terms of getting something with the right amount of exposure.  I probably should learn to shoot in RAW so I can make adjustments more easily but I'm just a tad to lazy right now to learn that.
Anyway, here are some photos I've taken of NBG ( her name is Taylor)  in the past week and a half:
I love baby cute and wrinkled!

Our diva in training....

Our little prima dona...

A mother's love...

Held up by her parents' hands...symbolizing the support that she will need need from them...

We have a shot similar to this of her big brother taken in the hospital when he was just a day or two old so my daughter wanted to duplicate it ...

So precious, so innocent, so pure....

*but one day she will be a teenager!


  1. Love, love, love those cute little baby pics. especially the sweet naked ones.

  2. Awww... She is such a sweet baby!
    LOVE the lil naked tush in the air!!
    You are getting to be a pro, Susan!
    These are absolute masterpieces!!!

  3. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these! I think my MOST favorite is the one of Taylor being held by the hand of each parent. That is absolutely powerful. And I adore the little sweet feet. They are great photos - ALL of them and I know that Mommy and Daddy will cherish these forever!

  4. OMG! Precious indeed! I hope my son and d-i-l capture some discreet bare body part photos of our little grandson in about 6 weeks, LOL! Great job, Susan!

  5. Susan, your photography skills are phenomenal! I'm saving these photos, especially the ones where NBG is au naturel. She looks especially sweet and innocent in them.

  6. Love the photos--can't imagine THIS one as a teenager, ha!

    PS--check out my blog, there's a little surprise for you on there!

  7. These are such lovely photos! Nothing like a naked baby...just precious!! I definitely think the naked pics capture the absolute innocence of a newborn. Perfect! You did such a wonderful job on these.

  8. Wonderful shots, Susan! Love the one with nbg and the wonderful!

  9. What lovely photos. The one with her and the parents hands is so very special. These are all to treasure

  10. Wow I love all of those photos. What a sweetheart you have there. I think though that I like the one of your daughter and grand daughter the best. All of them are very precious.


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