Sunday, June 12, 2011

Teresa Collins Mini Album

A few months back I took a class with my friend, Cyndi, of Angel Cakes Crafting from the great Teresa Collins herself.  It was mostly a cut and paste class although we did learn a few new things (like using crepe paper to make ruffles on our pages).  It was lots of fun and a great way to spend a cold and rainy Saturday morning.
Cyndi finished up her album a while back and you can see hers HERE.
I worked on my version last night after all my kiddos went to bed...I can't quite finish it while I'm here at my daughter's because I don't have my Crop a Dile for punching and I need to add a few more things but it sure felt good to work that paper trimmer! :)
So here are some images of mine...and the photos I used are from NBG's photo shoot the other day when she turned 8 days old!

We used velvet paper which was so cool and rich looking!
We added lots of cute little elements and bling....

Don't you just love pictures of babies' feet?

Still need to add some journaling and a few "Expression Avenue" touches!

Don't you just love these tulle rosettes???  (You can buy some at Joann's with your 40% or 50% off coupon and it's waaay cheaper than what they typically sell prepackaged in the scrapbook stores!)
So, I'll finish this when I get adding the jump rings, ribbon, and a few other embellishments and some more Teresa Collins "Blingage"...don't you love that term? 

And here's a photo of the new family of 4...My daughter, son in law, AG and NBG.

This afternoon I'm getting a break from Omie-hood and taking a card class at Archiver's.  Can't wait!

Happy Crafting!


  1. I love how you completed this album. It looks great! Isn't it just perfect for a little girl? Love the family picture, too!

  2. I LOVE this album. The clocks in the background are the perfect accent. I like them better than the usual baby things, because they're different. And, well, time matters. =) And it zooms by. =(

  3. I agree with Donna, the time elements are really perfect. Wonderful job, Susan!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!