Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fabulous Firsts!

David went back to MMO this morning (Omie stayed away!) and his mommy said he did fine.  A little crying but once he had a car in his hand he was ok for the most part.  I know once he gets settled into a routine and realizes it's ok that Mommy and/or Omie are not there he'll do just fine.  David and his mommy and sister came over yesterday evening and ate dinner with us.  After he left I was worn out and didn't get into my craftroom to do anything.  So I thought I'd share this mini album of firsts I'd made for David a little while back.  I love this's made out of that really heavy board (like particle board) and is wonderful in little hands.  David does like looking at photos and I like having an assortment of little albums he can get out of my basket to look at.

So, here are some photos from it starting with the cover...lots of paper, layers, ribbon, stickers, etc.:
And then we have a little glimpse into David's first Halloween:
And then we have a page with his first captured smile and his first time in a pumpkin patch (I just love that photo of his mommy):
The next couple of pages have to do with the first Thanksgiving which also included his first plane ride!

And lastly we have a couple of pages related to David's first Christmas:
We celebrate St. Nicholas Day on December 6 and the photo on the left is from that day.  The photo on the right......WAIT!!!! Where is the photo on the right?  It's supposed to be of him sitting on Santa's lap and is MISSING!!! Where is it??!  I can see where it is supposed to go but perhaps little hands have made off with it.  Guess I'll have to go look for it.  :)  Probably in the bottom of the basket.

Oh well...good's digital...if I can't find it I can always print another one, right?  Digital photography has really freed the scrapbooker I think!!!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Hi Susan,
    Great idea, wonderful memories. Great papers and pictures. TFS

  2. Love love love your album. I always have plans to do one of those but never do.....soooooo wonderful!

  3. Wonderful album. Especially like seeing that David wore the My 1st bibs for the occasions I sent him.

  4. Glad he did well at MDO, I'm sure it's an adjustment for him but he'll get comfortable with it.

    Great album!!! Love all the little details of it.

  5. I LOVE this idea! And I love David's little, no, huge chubby cheeks in his first smiling photo!

  6. Too, too cute! Right down to the missing photo! Love all of it, Susan.


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